Treutlen County

Georgia DUI

Even a first-offense DUI can lead to serious consequences for an offender. You may be forced to pay excessive fines, lose your license, or wind up in jail. It is critical that you hire an experienced DUI defense lawyer as soon as possible after you have been charged.

First-Offense Drunk Driving Penalties

While the court has some discretion in regard to sentencing, in general, the following penalties apply if you are convicted of drunk driving for the first time:

  • Fine/fees: $300 to $1,000
  • License suspension: one year
  • Jail: up to one year
  • Community service: 40 hours
  • DUI driver education: mandatory

Even a first-offense DUI can lead to serious consequences for an offender. You may be forced to pay excessive fines, lose your license, or wind up in jail. It is critical that you hire an experienced DUI defense lawyer as soon as possible after you have been charged. In addition to first-time DUI offenses, Mr. Duncan also handles repeat or multiple drunk driving offenses as well as drunk driving accidents that may be charged as reckless homicide or manslaughter. These carry very serious consequences and even more extreme penalties.

If you have been charged with underage drinking or teenage drunk driving, Mr. Duncan can also help protect your immediate rights and your future

* Please note that Mr. Duncan is only licensed to practice law in the State of Georgia, and can therefore only represent clients on traffic matters in the State of Georgia. Also, The Law Firm of Earle J. Duncan does not represent clients in matter pending in traffic courts in the metro Atlanta area. *

Administrative Driver's License Suspension

An administrative Driver’s License suspension is a different suspension than the suspension you will receive if you are convicted of DUI in Treutlen, Georgia, and may occur before you even go to court for your DUI.

If you are stopped for DUI and you refuse to take the requested State administered chemical test (either breath test, blood test or urine sample), or if you take the test and your blood alcohol level amounts to a “per se” violation, the arresting officer is required by law to submit a report to the Department of Public Safety to initiate an administrative license suspension hearing.


If Earle J. Duncan represents you with regard to your Treutlen County speeding ticket or other Treutlen County traffic case, our objective will be avoiding points on your driving record. Please note that if you simply pay the ticket that you are, in effect, pleading guilty and that you likely will receive points on your driving record, which may cause your insurance rates to go up and could possibly lead to your driver’s license being suspended for excessive points.


The Georgia legislature has enacted a “super speeder” law which could affect your driver’s license and your budget in a negative way. Under the new law, drivers who pay fines or who plead guilty to speeding at a rate higher that 14 miles per hour over the posted speed limit on multi-lane interstate highways must pay two fines, one fine to Treutlen County, in which they were charged, and another new fine which could be up to $200 to the State of Georgia, or their drivers license will be suspended.


In many cases, you will not be required to appear in court, and will not have to take time off of work or school.

If the Treutlen County court in which your case is pending is not specifically listed on our website, please give us a call. Mr. Duncan will likely be able to help you. The Law Firm of Earlee J. Duncan does not represent clients in matter pending in traffic courts in the metro Atlanta area. Please note that Mr. Duncan is only licensed to practice law in the State of Georgia, and can therefore only represent clients on traffic matters in the State of Georgia.